raup $100k now

The $100k+ Blogging Formula! - Earn $100,000 in YOUR FIRST YEAR!

Why spend years struggling to make money online?  

I've done the legwork and have developed a system that has allowed me to earn more than $100k in the past year on complete autopilot.  Read more below:

I made over $100,000 last year from only 10 blogs, running totally on autopilot.

Forget about PPC, Social Bookmarking, classified ads, and other nonsense that costs you money and time that you'd rather spend having fun!

I am going to show you exactly what I do, how I do it, and why.

This is NOT a Get Rich Quick scheme!

I will show you how to build a legal, ethical, comprehensive online empire that can bring you six-figure income in your first year alone.

Skeptical? ... I would be too.

But consider this:  $100,000 per year from 10 blogs equals $10,000 per year from each one.  $10,000 per year (per blog) equals a little over $833 per month (per blog).  $833 per month equals a little more than $27 per day.

This means that if you follow my method and each blog earns only $28 per day, YOU WILL EARN OVER $100 THOUSAND DOLLARS in one year!!

Now doesn't $28 per blog per day sound realistic?  If you had someone willing to teach you how to do this, wouldn't you want to learn?

Wouldn't you LOVE to boost your current income by $100,000 or more this year?


If I could make this kind of money, completely on autopilot, as a new internet marketer (to the tune of more than $100k) then I'm absolutely convinced that anyone can do it.

Here's the real deal:

You will finally understand
how to make massive income by legal, ethical autoblogging.  I will show you all of the tools that I personally use to dominate the search engines for niche terms.

You are about to learn the secret art of Fire-And-Forget! That's why some internet marketers make huge incomes, and others struggle for pennies from Adsense, ClickBank, Ebay, Amazon, and others.  My system shows you how to take a single domain name, and a single hosting account, and spin that platform into a niche autoblogging empire; ALL ON COMPLETE AUTOPILOT!


Don't take my word for it!  Read what the following customers and industry critics have had to say about this revolutionary system.


"After reading I would have to say this ebook has laid out in detail exactly how to set up an automated blogging system very well. This could be the ultimate blueprint for a automatic blog."
-Larry S.

"This is an amazing eBook which outlines what you need to do in simple steps and can be done by anyone if they put the time in to do it, Initial setup time may take anywhere from a few hours to a few days but once completed you are on the way to success."
-Marko O.
"The $100k+ Blogging Formula takes auto-blogging to the next level. Finally there is a complete process that doesn't rely on black-hat tactics like content-scrapers that get your blogs in trouble after a few weeks. The method described here is exactly what I've been looking for. I'm tired of mothering so many blogs...currently it feels like a full-time job to keep my existing blogs going strong. This system will let me 'fire-and-forget', setting up multiple blogs that run on auto-pilot. The guide includes clear, detailed step-by-step instructions, and a ton of great blogging resources that are worth having even if you only run one blog. (I've already implemented some of the tools on my existing blogs!) I can create a huge, monetized 'footprint' on the web, that is self-perpetuating and self-marketing. Thank you for sharing these strategies with us!!"
-George Halt

And if that wasn't enough, here's what some other marketers, who have opted for anonymity (this method is their secret Autopilot Income weapon) have said:

"...Its possible to make money, and lots of it."
"...step by step and easy to follow"
"...With great diagrams and flowcharts in it, makes it much easier for you to understand. It's good for newbies.."
"...Speaking of automatic-blogging profit, this is the real deal."
"...step by step guide, but straight to the point. Great job...Recommended to all of you that want to make money online."

Are you ready to make massive income with a proven Fire-And-Forget system?

Dear aspiring internet mogul,

Are you tired of gurus claiming that they can teach you how to make money online?

Listen.  I'm not a guru.  Even though I now make a six-figure income online, I'm a working class guy, just like most of you.

I'm not claiming that I can turn you into a millionaire, because I'm not a millionaire.  I'm simply a guy who has discovered , mostly through trial and error, how to make a great income online.  And I'm willing to teach you how to do what I do.

Why would I do this?

For more money, of course.  Even though I make a six-figure income online I believe that I can make even more by teaching aspiring internet marketers, just like you, to do what I do.

I've read all of the "gurus'" ebook's.  I've watched their videos.  I've been to their seminars, and I've figured something out:

...  Most of the "gurus" don't make money doing what they promote.  They only make money by convincing you that they do!


"I know my system works because it's the same system that I use.

By now you are probably wondering why I haven't plastered this page with Adsense and ClickBank screenshots showing my income.  Here are a few reasons why I will NEVER do that.

It's against the Terms Of Service - Most of the "gurus" who show you screenshots are faking them.  If they really showed you their income screenshots they could get banned from Adsense and ClickBank for life.  This is how I put food on the table. I don't plan to get banned.
Legitimate businesses NEVER post their bank statements or invoices.  I'm a professional and I personally don't think that my account records are any of your business.  Would you show me your bank account?  No?  I didn't think so.
I don't need to. My system works.  The proof is yours within just a few days of downloading my powerful income building system.  If you follow my steps to the letter I believe that you WILL make wallet-busting income in your first year!
Click Here For Instant Access

"As if this life changing system wasn't enough, just look at the powerful extras that I've thrown in to help you get started!"

5000+ PLR Articles. These are rebrandable, royalty free articles that you can use TODAY to expand or promote your income exploding, autopilot income blogs. You can even publish them in your own name!

Frequent Updates As the internet changes, so must your moneymaking techniques. As a valued customer you will be entitled to free updates.
A Free Wordpress plugin pack that will put the power of this system at your fingertips immediately! Forget hunting around to find the plugins you need to start your explosive blogging empire. I will provide you with the core tools you need for FREE!
Secret Site Search Engine submission backdoors that that can allow you to get your ENTIRE site crawled within hours - forget waiting days or weeks! This information alone is worth double the price of this system!
A Complete Guide to Internet Marketing. This definitive guide will bring even the newest newbie up to speed. This guide covers everything from Search Engines to PPC to SEO to Affiliate Marketing and everything in between. This guide is worth $200 or more, but as a $100k+ Blogging customer, you get it for free!
Confidence. You get the confidence of having at your fingertips the well-written, beautifully illustrated, definitive guide for Fire-And-Forget Autopilot Blogging income.

Click HERE to BUY

And if you're thinking that you aren't ready for the sheer power of this proven system...


If you can follow simple instructions, and are willing to invest just a few minutes per day over the next few weeks, then you have what it takes!

I've done most of the work for you already .

The vast majority of work in internet marketing, as any Internet Marketer worth the title will tell you, is the combination of research, trial, and error. I've done all of that already, and I have shaved away all of the hype and fluff usually promoted. What's left is a simple, easy to follow formula THAT WORKS!

Stop standing on the sidelines. People all around you are becoming successful online. The Internet has quickly become the most dynamic and powerful source of information and revenue that the world has ever seen. You deserve a piece of that pie!

I'm so confident in this awesome system that I stand behind it with an amazing sixty day unconditional money back guarantee.

If, for any reason at all, you are unsatisfied with this system, return it within 60 days for a full refund - NO QUESTIONS ASKED.


In the end, success is really up to you. In The $100k+ Blogging Formula, I give you all the information and guidance you need to become a six-figure autoblogger. But only you can take the first step.

I wish I was given the opportunity that stands before you right now. I would have saved a lot of time, money, sweat, and tears if I had a mentor willing to show me the exact method he used to gain a six-figure income.

You have that chance before you now. Don't miss out now and wind up regretting it for the rest of your life.

Do the right thing for yourself, and for your family:

DOWNLOAD THE $100k+ Blogging Formula NOW!


I Want to CLICK HERE and gain access to this awesome system and change my life forever!

You will be charged only $44.95 for the $100k+ Blogging Formula. Your purchase entitles you to any future updates to The $100k+ Blogging Formula for free. Once you complete your purchase using our secure payment gateway you will be able to download The $100k Blogging Formula immediately!

P.S. Let Me remind you: I stand behind my Formula with an unconditional sixty day money back guarantee. You have absolutely nothing to fear. Where else will you see such a guarantee? Take my system. Try it. If you are not satisfied for ANY reason at all, return it for a full refund.

P.P.S. This groundbreaking system is EXACTLY what I use. No variation at all. And if I discover better methods, I will update this guide!

P.P.P.S. Why are you still reading? Hurry up and download my amazing Formula NOW!


I am aware that my income is quite abnormal. Your results will, naturally, depend upon your determination, effort, choice of niches, domain name, color schemes, article choices, timing, and other factors which cannot reasonably be predicted. While I sincerely believe that if you follow my system exactly, you can potentially obtain equal or better results, no guarantees of income from using this or any system can legally be stated, implied, nor should such be inferred.

The $100k+ Blogging Formula. Brought to you by SaleKiller.

Kamis, 16 Maret 2017

Buah Kesabaran

Buah Kesabaran Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Hari menjelang siang. Di tepi perkampungan hewan, kancil dan jerapah duduk di bawah pohon beringin. Kedua tangan mereka terlihat mengelus-elus perut yang mengerut.

“Kancil, aku lapar sekali. Sedari pagi belum makan,” kata Jerapah pada kancil.

“Akupun sama. Bagaimana kalau kita mencari makanan ke tepi hutan,” usul Kancil.

Jerapah setuju. Kedua sahabat karib itu lantas berjalan bersama menuju ke tepi hutan. Mereka berharap ada buah-buahan yang dapat di santap untuk mengisi perut. Sehingga kesehatan terjaga dan tubuh menjadi kuat.

Buah-buahan sangat berguna bagi tubuh. Banyak kandungan nutrisi yang dibutuhkan seperti vitamin, karbohidrat, protein, mineral dan lainnya. Buah pun rasanya enak dan segar. Makan buah di siang hari badan menjadi segar dan rasa haus pun terobati.

Setelah melewati tanah lapang dan menyeberang sungai kecil, sampailah keduanya di sebuah kebun kecil di tepi hutan. Di kebun itu terdapat aneka pohon buah, semisal jambu, nangka, pepaya, mangga, duku, pisang, durian dan kesemek.

Namun mereka kecewa. Tidak ada buah yang dapat di makan. Beberapa tanaman memang tengah berbuah lebat, tetapi belum masak.

“Bagaimana ini jerapah, belum ada buah yang masak,” kata Kancil dengan nada kecewa.

“Bagaimana kalau kita makan saja buah yang belum masak ini. Kita pilih yang agak tua,
... baca selengkapnya di Buah Kesabaran Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2016

Peleburan Rasa

Peleburan Rasa Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Membiarkan dirimu terpuruk dengan masa lalu bukanlah jalan keluar. Bangkitlah! tanpa kau coba melupakan masa lalu, tapi menjadikannya sebuah pelajaran.

Tengoklah keluar, lihatlah pohon itu dari balik jendela kamarmu. Betapa bebasnya angin menggerakkan dahan-dahan itu, dahan-dahan itu seperti menari dengan piawai walau kekuatan angin begitu kuat disertai buliran-buliran hujan yang jatuh dari mega mendung. Dahan-dahan itu meliuk menikmati simphoni alam. Nyanyian hujan yang jatuh dari langit hitam.

Lihatlah lagi, kehebatan angin yang merusak kesetiaan bunga pada pohonnya. Begitu kejamnya angin itu yang telah memisahkan bunga dan menjadikannya bertebaran dimana-mana hingga akhirnya menjadi sampah!

Seperti pohon, aku bisa goyah, dan bisa pula semakin goyah karena angin mengibaskanku begitu kuatnya. Lalu, pada siapa aku harus menopang rasa ini agar tak terombang-ambing seperti dahan-dahan itu? Tanyaku padamu yang tengah memandangi rinai hujan dalam kesenjaan.

Dengarlah, aku merasa jarum-jarum hujan terus mengguyurku, angin terus mengangguku. Bukannya aku menyalahkan apa yang telah diciptakan oleh Sang Kuasa. Bukan. Tapi aku ingin menyalahkanmu dalam tanda kutip masa lalumu. Kau pasti mengerti maksudku, anggap saja jarum hujan itu adalah kata-kata yang kau ucapkan padaku di setiap aku meminta
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Selasa, 04 Oktober 2016

Ketika Putus Asa Dalam Menulis

Ketika Putus Asa Dalam Menulis Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Mungkin bagi pemula rasa putus asa muncul ketika menemui hambatan dalam memulai menulis. Hambatan yang muncul yaitu kurang percaya diri, takut salah, memvonis diri tidak bisa menulis dan lain-lain. Apa yang akan kita lakukan saat kita putus asa? Teruslah menulis. Kita boleh putus asa tetapi kita tidak boleh berhenti. Seperti halnya nasehat yang mengatakan:”Teruslah berjalan meski kamu dalam keputusasaan.” Tulislah apa yang ada dalam imajinasi, perasaan dan pengetahuan Anda. Meskipun Anda dalam menuliskan itu semua penuh dengan ketakutan akan pendapat orang mengenai ide-ide Anda, takut ditertawakan, takut salah, tidak percaya diri dan sebagainya. Yang penting Anda tulis dulu.Ini hal yang sangat berharga. Sehingga Anda akan lebih mudah dalam melakukan perbaikan-perbaikan seiring dengan bertambahnya pengetahuan Anda. Maka banyak membaca, diskusi dan merenung atau melakukan refleksi diri akan sangat membantu.

Putus asa biasanya bermakna negatif. Putus asa biasanya berhenti dan menyerah dari aktivitas yang membuat kita putus asa. Tetapi bagi saya “putus asa” bermakna positif bahkan sangat dibutuhkan disaat kita tak berdaya mengalahkan hambatan-hambatan di depan
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Kamis, 07 Juli 2016

Jangan Berhenti Di Tengah Badai

Jangan Berhenti Di Tengah Badai Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Pada suatu hari, ada seorang anak yg sedang berkendara dengan ayahnya , spt biasanya mereka bekendaraan menuju ke suatu tempat. Dan si anak yg mengemudikan mobil .

Setelah beberapa puluh kilometer, tiba? awan hitam datang bersama angin kencang.

Langit menjadi gelap. Kulihat beberapa kendaraan mulai menepi & berhenti.

"Bagaimana Ayah? Kita berhenti?", si anak bertanya.

"Teruslah mengemudi!", kata sang Ayah.

si anak tetap menjalankan mobil mengikuti perintah ayahnya.

Langit makin gelap, angin bertiup makin kencang. Hujanpun turun dg derasnya .

Beberapa pohon besar bertumbangan, bahkan ada pohon2 kecil yg diterbangkan angin.

Suasana nya sangat menakutkan.

Banyak kendaraan? besar juga mulai menepi & berhenti.


"Teruslah mengemudi, tingkatkan perhatian dan ekstra hati-hati!" kata sang Ayah sambil terus melihat ke depan.

Si Anak tetap mengemudi dgn bersusah payah.

Hujan lebat menghal
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Jumat, 01 Juli 2016

Terimakasih Motivatorku

Terimakasih Motivatorku Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

“Besok aku berangkat” ucapku seraya menundukkan kepala, “Kapan kamu kembali?” ucap Irma sahabatku sambil menepuk bahuku yang lesu, “Mungkin 6 tahun lagi” jawabku pelan “Lama ya, bukannya saat itu kita udah lulus SMA?” ucapnya dengan senyum maksa, kubalas ia dengan anggukan.

Malam ini adalah malam terakhir buatku dan sahabatku untuk tidur sekamar, ini adalah ritual kita setiap satu minggu sekali, Kadang di rumahku, kadang juga di rumahnya. Tapi malam ini aku sengaja tidur di rumahnya. Hampir semalam penuh aku nggak bisa tidur, kutatap jam dinding yang menghitung detik demi detik, kuambil nafas panjag setiap satu menit berlalu, kupeluk tubuh temanku yang tertidur pulas di sampingku. Hingga pukul 03.00 aku mulai tertidur.

Pukul 06.00 orangtuaku menjemputku, tampaknya mereka sudah siap berangkat, Sebelum aku masuk ke mobil kuberi sahabatku sebuah kalung yang couple denganku, “Kuharap, kamu bisa menjaga kalung ini… setidaknya sampai aku kembali” ucapku menahan te
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Sabtu, 14 Mei 2016

Penyair dan Musisi

Penyair dan Musisi Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Ga banyak yang bisa gua lakuin di sini….. Semua terasa ga berguna bagi gua, hmm apalagi gua, terasa sangat ga berguna buat semua.
Hidup gua terasa sangat hampa, “monoton” kalo kata temen gue bilang. Well, malem ini… Kaya malem-malem sebelumnya, semenjak gua belajar megang gitar, gua selalu ngebayangin kalo gua bisa mainin ni gitar di depan temen-temen deket gua, cewe-cewe d kelas gua, temen-temen satu sekolah yang kenal ataupun belum mengenal gua, ampe semua orang di luar sana yang sama sekali belum pernah ngeliat gua… Dan khusus yang satu itu, kenalin.. Nama gua.. Dega a.k.a.. D_GhooL. Kenapa? Aneh? Heh.. ga usah sambil monyong gitu bacanya. Sini gua jelasin..

Kalo ditranskripsi secara fonetis, {dghool} menjadi [d?gul] bukan [d?gol]. Jadi, bacanya pake fonem /u/ bukan /o/. Jadi lo lo semua ga perlu sampe monyong kaya manggil bemo, ngerti..?!

Nah kembali ke topik.. Seperti yang udah gua bilang tadi, bahwasanya setiap malam gua selalu ngebayangin jadi rockstar. Yea yea yea.. Kenapa gua bilang tiap malem..? Ya karena ampe malem ini gua belum bisa ngerasain, apalagi bener-bener menjadi seorang bintang rock. Hmm

Eits, tunggu.. Gua ini cuma salah satu dari berjuta pemimpi di dunia ini.. Dan di daerah tempat gua tinggal, ngejoglog segelintir orang kaya gua, segelintir pemimpi. Kenapa gua bilang gitu? Karena ga dikit di tempat gua in
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Rabu, 04 Mei 2016


PAY IT FORWARD Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

02 Desember 2006 – 07:32   (Diposting oleh: Editor)

“To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer. – Memberi kebahagiaan kepada sebuah hati dengan suatu tindakan nyata yang sederhana adalah lebih baik dibandingkan ribuan kepala yang bersujud dalam do’a.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Pay It Forward adalah sebuah judul film drama Hollywood yang diproduksi pada tahun 2000. Film yang disutradarai oleh Mimi Leder itu mengisahkan tentang sebuah ide sederhana dari seorang anak kecil berusia 11 tahun, Trevor Mckinney, yang dibintangi oleh Haley Joel Osment. Trevor Mckinney hidup bersama ibunya, Arlene, yang diperankan oleh aktris Helen Hunt. Dikisahkan bahwa ibu Mckinney adalah seorang pemabuk, sedangkan ayahnya jarang berada di rumah.

Kisah film tersebut berawal pada saat seorang guru ilmu sosial di sekolah Mckinney memberikan sebuah tugas. Sang guru, Mr. Simonet, yang diperankan oleh Kevin Spcey, meminta para murid memikirkan sebuah ide yang dapat mengubah dunia. Para murid juga diminta untuk mewujudkannya langsung ke dalam tindakan nyata.

Pada saat itulah Mckinney Trevor mencetuskan i
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